In response to the current environment in which we find ourselves, we wish to advise that Pensioner Solutions will continue to operate, but with the following changes:-

  • Until further notice, we will not be having any face to face meetings.  All meetings will be conducted over the phone.
  • We ask that clients do not drop into our offices
  • If you have documents to deliver to us, please use email, fax, express post mail or IF necessary, put them into an envelope and put them under our door.

Whilst these seem like extreme measures, it is important that we can keep operating and ensure that our clients’ health is not compromised and that we can continue to provide our services for everyone.

Whilst the office is currently open, we have ensured that we are in a position to all work from home if that becomes necessary.  We do not envisage any reason why will not be able to continue to service our clients, current and new, but with the revised protocols in place.

 We will provide updates via the website as circumstances change.